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Englisch: MEDISANA BU 570 Connect White Upper Arm BP Monitor
Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät BU 570 connect weiß- Schnellere Messergebnisse dank Inflating-Technologie Blutdruck wird bereits während des Aufpumpens der Manschette gemessen- Besonders großes, leicht ablesbares Display- Präzise Blutdruckmessung am Oberarm mit Blutdruck-KlassifizierungFUNKTION | ANWENDUNG Bluetooth® Datenübertragung an die VitaDock+ App für iOS und Android und an VitaDock® Online* Großes LCD Display (7,3 × 6,0 cm) mit Hintergrundbeleuchtung Je 120 Speicherplätze für 2 Benutzer Berechnung des Durchschnitts#x2;werts der letzten 3 gespeicherten Werte Anzeige von unregelmäßigem Herzschlag Blutdruck-Klassifizierung - Einstufung der Messwerte mit Ampel-FarbskalaTECHNISCHE DATEN Größe: ca. 9,26 × 12,95 × 3,03 cm Gewicht: ca. 0,188 kg Batterien: 4#x2009;×#x2009;1,5V (AAA) Ausgangsleistung: 6 V Messbereich: Nennmanschettendruck: 0mmHg ~299 mmHg   Messdruck: SYS: 60mmHg~230mmHg DIA: 40mmHg~130mmHg Pulswert: (40-180) Schlag / Minute Genauigkeit: Druck: 5°C - 40°C ± 3 mmHg; Puls: ± 5% vom Messwert Kabellänge: 60 cmPACKUNGSINHALT Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät Gebrauchsanweisung

Filter Set for PROMED AC-4000
Replacement filter set for AC-4000 (Air Purifier)Replacement filter set for changing the fiter of the Promed AC-4000 air purifier.SCOPE OF DELIVERY:- 1x aluminium pre-filter- 1x combination filter HEPA H13Information for filter exchange:Filters have to be exchanged at certain intervals, depending on the use.  Depending on how clean the ambient air is, the pre-filter should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner every 2-3 weeks. It should be cleaned with clear water (and detergent as anti-grease agent, if necessary) every 2 months. Let the filter dry completely before inserting it again. The intelligence control unit will issue a reminder for replacing the combi filter after 3,000 operating hours. Under normal ambient air conditions, the combi filter can be used for a maximum of 12 months.

MEDISANA BU 584 Connect Upper Arm BP Monitor
Großes LCD-Display mit blauer Hintergrundbeleuchtung und extra großen ZiffernDas medisana Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät BU 584 connect mit seinem eleganten Design überzeugt dank seines großen LCD-Displays mit blauer Hintergrundbeleuchtung und extra großen Ziffern von 40 Millimetern. Die Einordnung der Messwerte erfolgt bei diesem zertifizierten Medizinprodukt durch eine Ampel-Farbskala. Weiterhin überzeugt das Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät BU 584 connect mit seinen je 120 Speicherplätzen für zwei Benutzer und seiner besonders großen Oberarmmanschette.Schnellere Messergebnisse dank Inflating-TechnologieSchnellere Messergebnisse kann das medisana Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät BU 584 connect aufgrund seiner Inflating-Technologie liefern, bei der der Blutdruck während des Aufpumpens der Manschette gemessen wird. Ein integrierter Bewegungssensor ist für die Sicherstellung genauer Messergebnisse verantwortlich. Die Funktion zur Erkennung unregelmäßiger Herzschläge, die sogenannte IHB-Funktion, sowie ein Hinweis auf Anwendungsfehler runden die innovativen Funktionen zur präzisen Blutdruckmessung ab.Bluetooth Datenübertragung an die VitaDock+ App und an VitaDock OnlineBesonders praktisch beim Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät BU 584 connect von medisana ist, dass Sie Ihre Vitaldaten immer und überall dabeihaben. Denn mit Hilfe der Bluetooth Smart-Datenübertragung an die VitaDock+ App 2.0 für iOS und Android und an VitaDock Online lassen sich die Ergebnisse jederzeit unkompliziert analysieren und auswerten oder direkt beim Arzt vorzeigen.Technische DetailsGröße: ca. 13,7 x 9,85 x 5,25 cm; Gewicht: ca. 0,30 kgMessmethode: OszillometrischMessbereich: Blutdruck: 40 280 mmHgMessbereich: Puls: 40 199 Schläge/minBatterien: 4 x 1.5V (AAA)

MEDISANA BU 586 Voice Upper Arm BP Monitor

MEDISANA BW320 Blood Pressure Monitor
BW 320 Wrist Blood Pressure MonitorThe BW 320 wrist blood pressure monitor from medisana stands for precise blood pressure measurement at the wrist. As a certified medical device, it is a reliable tool for regular blood pressure monitoring at home or on the go.Main features: Irregular heartbeat detection: In addition to displaying systole, diastole, pulse, date, and time, the device also shows irregular heartbeats. Memory slots for two users: The device has 120 memory slots for two users each and allows the calculation of the average value of the last three measurements. Easy readability: Thanks to the particularly large digits, the display is easy to read. The extra-large cuff fits wrist circumferences from 14 to 19.5 centimeters.Technical details: Size: approx. 8.9 × 6 × 3.1 cm Weight: approx. 0.07 kg Power supply: 2 x 1.5V (AAA batteries) Measurement method: oscillometric Measurement range: Nominal cuff pressure: 0~299 mmHg, pulse rate: 40-180 beats per minute

MEDISANA BW345 Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor

Medisana Fußwärmer FWS

MEDISANA Large Cuff 30-42 cm MTV/MTC/MTD/MTS/BU500/BU-92E
Upper arm cuff large for blood pressure monitor MTV/MTC/MTD/MTSSize: 30 - 42 cm

MEDISANA Manschette groß
Upper arm cuff for MTM/MTP large. Size: 32 - 42 cm

MEDISANA Manschette Standard
Upper arm cuff for MTM/MTPUpper arm cuff standard (scope of delivery) Size: 22 - 32 cm

MEDISANA PM 100 Connect Pulse Oximeter
Einfache Gesundheitskontrolle von ZuhauseDas Pulsoximeter PM 100 von medisana misst zuverlässig und präzise die Werte für die Blutsauerstoffsättigung und die Herzfrequenz. Beide Messwerte lassen sich auf dem gut ablesbaren OLED-Display in vier unterschiedlichen Ansichtsperspektiven in Balken- oder Wellenform darstellen. Nach acht Sekunden schaltet sich das Gerät automatisch wieder ab und schont dadurch die Batterien. Das ist nur einer der Vorzüge dieses Medizinprodukts aus dem Hause Medisana.Einfache One Touch-Bedienung ideal auch für unterwegsDas Pulsoximeter PM 100 ist nicht nur zu Hause ein praktischer Alltagsbegleiter, sondern auch auf Reisen. Ideal für unterwegs ist die praktische One Touch-Bedienung. Mit nur einem Knopfdruck starten Sie die Messung.Verbindung zur VitaDock+ AppDank der integrierten Bluetooth-Verbindung können Sie Ihre Aufzeichnungen problemlos an unsere VitaDock+ App senden. Dort werden sie gespeichert und können ausgewertet werden. Technische DatenGröße: ca. 5,8 x 3,4 x 3,5 cmGewicht: ca. 53 gMessbereich: SpO2: 70% ~ 100%Puls: 30 - 235 Schläge/Min.Batterien: 2 x 1,5 V (AAA)

MEDISANA Pulsoximeter PM 180

MEDISANA TM 705 Thermometer

MEDISANA TM750 Infrared Thermometer
 Precise measurement of the body temperature in the ear and on the forehead in secondsAdditional function: measuremen of ambient temperature, liquids and surfaces (0 100°C)Visual fever alarm green: temperature ormal, red: raised temperatureAcoustic signal at the beginning and end of temperature readingAutomatic storage of the last 30 measurement resultsDisplay of date and timeCertified medical device**Delivery contents1x Infrared-Multifunctional thermometerBatteries1x Storage bagTechnical dataSize: approx. 13.4 x 4.2 x 4.7 cmWeight: approx. 65 gMeasurement range object: 0-100 °CMeasurement range body temperature: 34-43 °CScaling: 0.1°CAccuracy of measurement:          - Forehead: +/- 0.3°C from 34-43 °C          -  Ear: +/- 0.2°C from 35.5 - 42 °C

MNS-100 Respirator Masks, 10 Pieces
{media path='media/image/Bildschirmfoto-2020-06-09-um-_EN.png'}" alt="Bildschirmfoto-2020-06-09-um-_EN" data-src="media/image/Bildschirmfoto-2020-06-09-um-_EN.png" width="523" height="179">Scope of deliveryStorage box, per PU = 10 pcs. Size: approx. 160 x 125 x 50 mm (LxWxD)Weight: approx. 130 g1x hook per mask, 1x instructions (in 17 languages)Technical dataType of mask: FFP2 NR, category IIIProduct size (folded): 106.7 x 155 mmProduct weight: approx. 8 gShelf life: 3 yearsStorage conditions and shelf life: Store at a relative humidity of less than 80 % in a well-ventilated and dry room which is free from corrosive gases. Avoid high temperatures. The unopened product has a shelf life of 3 years from the date of production.The masks are a hygiene product with no right of return. We do not accept returns for the masks due to health and hygiene reasons, as we can no longer guarantee that the masks are intact. You have taken note of the information and you expressly agree to this with the purchase.

PROMED AC-4000 Air Purifier
Promed AC-4000, Air PurifierTHE OTHER WAY OF BREATHINGThe high-quality air purifier with combi filter effectively filters pollutants such asviruses, bacteria, dust of any kind (also fine dust), mould, pollen, mites, smokeand odours. Up to 99.95% of the frequently occurring microorganisms areremoved from the air. The particle sensor reliably detects the air quality and informsyou in due time by means of an LED colour ring about the degree of contaminationin the air. In addition, the air quality may also be improved by means of an iongenerator. The remote control or also the smartphone app (via WLAN) allow forcomfortable control.Promed AC-4000 the perfect solution for cleaner air in closed rooms.SPECIAL FEATURES Effective against viruses & bacteria, dust of any kind, mould, pollen, mites, smoke/odours Filters particles effectively with an efficiency of up to 99.95% High filter capacity due to combination filter (high-quality HEPA filter H13,   activated carbon, photocatalytic, cold catalytic) 3-level aluminium pre-filter (washable) UV disinfection by means of ultraviolet light Cleaning power CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) of up to 420 m³/h Improved air purification by means of ion generator: generates 5 million anions/cm³;  improves air quality and promotes good health, particles are safely removed 3-stage colour display AQI for air quality (Air Quality Indicator),   integrated particle sensor; timer function from 1 to 9 hours Temperature indicator and air humidity indicator Easy to use thanks to large touch display, child safety lock 3 power levels of the fan as well as sleep mode, auto mode, manual mode Automatic reminder to replace the filter Compact design, fits any place in your home Suitable for rooms up to 70 m2, especially quiet Including remote control and possible operation by smartphone app 2-year guarantee  TECHNICAL DATA      SCOPE OF DELIVERY  PACKAGING     Device type: AC-4000 air purifierVoltage supply: 220 - 240 VAC, 50 HzRated output: 85 WApplication area: 50 - 70 m²CADR value (Clean Air Delivery Rate): 380 - 420 m³/hAnions concentration: 5 million/cm³Noise level during operation: 35 dB (A) - 55 dB (A)UV lamp: 220 V, 4 W, 254 nm, UV-C, socket T5/G5Dimensions in mm: 415 x 255 x 695Weight: approx. 8 kg- 1x air purifier AC-4000- 1x aluminium pre-filter and combination filter(Replacement filter set art. no. 334001)- 1x UVC disinfection tubular lamp (item no. 334002)- 1x remote (art. no. 334003)- 2x 1.5 V batteries AAA- 1x instructions for use    1x inner cardboard, printed in colour1x outer cardboard, corrugated board, brownDimensions of outer cardboard (LxDxH):43 x 26.5 x 71 cmWeight: approx. 9 kg             Information for filter exchange: Filters have to be exchanged at certainintervals, depending on the use. Please observe the operating manual.

PROMED AL-1300WS Aroma Diffuser
Special Features:Aroma diffuser in noble wood look, timeless design suitable for every manner of room design, ideal for aromatic oilsHumidifies and freshens the air in the room for a soothing and therapeutic atmosphereUsing ultrasound technology to create a fine mist of fragrance that spreads throughout the entire roomHighly effective due to micro-fine atomisationRunning time approx. 10 - 14 hours, strong nebulisationSuitable for all large and medium-sized roomsVery large water tank XXL: 1.3 litreAutomatic switch-off when the tank is emptyWellness light with 7-fold colour changeLow-noise and energy-savingIncluding: Power adapterTechnical Data:Device type: AL-1300 WS aroma diffuserVoltage supply: 100 - 240 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz, 500 mA, Sec. 24 VDC, 12 WWater tank capacity: 1,3 litreDimensions in mm: 158 x 224Weight: Approx. 440gDelivery Contents / Including:1x Promed Diffuser AL-1300 WS1x Power adapter1x Manual

PROMED AL-150 WS Aroma Diffuser
Special Features:Aroma-Diffuser in high quality wood look for aromatic oilsHumidifies and freshens the air in the room for a soothing and therapeutic atmosphereUsing ultrasound technology to create a fine mist of fragrance that spreads throughout the entire roomHighly effective due to micro-fine atomisationLarge and effective due to micro-fine atomisationLarge and effecient 150 ml water tank Automatic switch-off when the tank is emptyWellness light with 7-fold colour change Low-noise and energy-savingIncluding: Power adapterTechnical Data:Device type: AL-150 WS aroma diffuserVoltage supply: 100 - 240 VAC, 50 / 60 Hz, 500 mA, Sec. 24 VDC, 500 mA, 7 WWater tank capacity: 150 mlNumber of colours: 7Dimensions in mm: 70 x 155Weight: Approx. 257 gDelivery Contents / Including1x Promed Diffuser AL-150 WS1x Power adapter1x Manual

PROMED AL-240 FL Aroma Diffuser
Aroma diffuser AL-240 FLwith flame light for aromatic oils- Humidifies and freshens the air in the room for a soothingand therapeutic atmosphere- Uses ultrasonic technology to create a fine mistof fragrance that spreads throughout the room- High efficiency due to micro-fine atomisation- Automatic switch-off when the tank is empty- LED wellness light with flame effect- Low-noise and energy-saving- Including: mains adapter and water dosing cup- Large 240 ml water tank- 100 - 240 VAC / 50 - 60 Hz; 24 VDC / 500 mA / 12 WDimensions in mm: ca. 210 x 135 x 81Weight: approx. 500 gDELIVERY CONTENTS 1x Promed diffuser AL-240 FL 1x water dosing cup 1x mains adapter 1x instruction manual
